A process of considered judgment of this evidence, assessed in the context of the balance of benefits and harms, acceptability and feasibility of the proposed intervention, has been used to reach agreed positions.
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It is important to stress that this document does not have the status of guidance. It is provided primarily for use by policy makers and those who are developing clinical guidance relevant to dental care delivery during the COVID19 pandemic.
This summary lists the Agreed Position Statements provided within the main text of the document. The summary is not comprehensive and for a full appreciation of the Agreed Position Statements, the basis for making them and other points for consideration, it is necessary to read the full document.
Aerosol particles <5 μm present an increased risk of respiratory infection transmission. The Working Group
agreed to categorise dental procedures into three groups according to the characteristics of the
instruments used and assumptions regarding aerosol generation.
Procedural mitigations have been proposed as patient-level interventions to reduce the potential risk of
SARS-CoV-2 transmission from dental aerosols.
Several procedural mitigations have been reviewed by the
Working Group and the Agreed Position Statements for each are listed below.
The content of this review might change as new information becomes available. Please ensure that
you are using the most recent version of this document by referring to www.sdcep.org.uk.
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